Friday, 25 November 2011

This desktop and the display that I have set out can make going on a computer much easier for someone you is visually impaired are has any type of disability rather than using a normal set out of a computer. There many ways to help a child with disabilities if your son/daughter has any visual problems you can get stickers to go on the letter on the keyboards and the stickers are in and the letter are in bold. You can also gey large computer for people with eye sight problems

 They can also come in different colors these can really help your son see the keyboard more Cleary also use can use a tool called magnifier can help your son see the screen more clearly as you  can zoom up to 1600% this can help your son improve his reading on the screen. If your son can not read the screen there is an application called narrator.

Narrator is a text to speech utility for users who are blind or have impaired vision. Narrator reads what is displayed on screen the content of the active window, menu, options, or the text that you have typed on screen. For example if you click on all programs the narrator will repeat just what you click on. When using narrator you can change the languages of the speech and the set speed and set pitch.

Changes that I have made

I have changed the background color of the page so that your son can see the highlighted text more easily I have changed the background color to blue and the text color to white. Also changed the size of the icon on the desktop to help your son what he is clicking on and you can move the icons around the screen you have a choice of what size you would like you icons to be small, medium, are large. I have added new icons to the quick access tool bar see it is easier to find.